Wednesday, February 2, 2011

'Dan katakanlah kepada para perempuan yang beriman, agar mereka menjaga pandangannya, dan memelihara kemaluannya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya (auratnya), kecuali yang  (biasa) terlihat. Dan hendaklah mereka menutupkan kain kerudung ke dadanya, dan janganlah menampakkan perhiasannya (auratnya), kecuali kepada suami mereka, atau ayah mereka, atau ayah suami mereka, atau putra-putra mereka, atau putra-putra suami mereka, atau saudara laki-laki mereka, atau putra-putra saudara laki-laki mereka, atau putra-putra saudara perempuan mereka, atau para perempuan (sesama islam) mereka, atau hamba sahaya yang mereka miliki, atau para pelayan laki-laki(tua) yang tidak mempunyai keinginan (terhadap perempuan), atau anak-anak yang belum mengerti tentang aurat perempuan. Dan janganlah mereka menghentakkan kaki-kaki agar diketahui perhiasan yang mereka sembunyikan. Dan bertaubatlah kamu semua kepada Allah, wahai orang-orang beriman, agar kamu beruntung'.......(surah an-nur: 31)

Renungilah ayat Al-Quran ini....kita perlu menutup aurat kita dimana-mana sahaja kita berada tak kira tempat atau waktunya. Bagi pelajar sekolah agama.. tak semestinya kita hanya menutup aurat di sekolah sahaja..tapi di rumah juga menjadi satu kewajipan ke atas kita untuk menutup aurat walaupun berada di luar kawasan sekolah terutama hamalatul quran (penghafaz Al- Quran).. kita boleh lihat zaman sekarang ini...berpakaian tapi seperti telanjang. bertudung tapi nampak bonggol....tahukah anda sekalian bahawa aurat wanita adalah seluruh tubuh badan kita kecuali tapak tangan dan muka kita??bagi mereka yang sudah mengetahui hal ini adalah berdosa besar kerana tidak,..wassalam.


The more scientists learn about chocolate, the more amazing chocolate seems. What are the benefits of chocolate aside from the feeling of satisfaction that only chocolate can bring? Here's a short list of the benefits of chocolate.

1. Chocolate, according to recent research, may provide a mental boost by elevating blood flow to the brain. The effect of this is that chocolate may be good for improving one's memory and attention and may be helpful for speeding up reaction times.

2. Chocolate may be good for the skin. A German study found that women who were given chocolate cocoa every day for a period of three months had skin that was moister and softer, possibly as a result of improved blood circulation.

3. Chocolate may provide some level of protection against heart disease. Researchers have found that dark chocolate consumption reduces hypertension, reduces cholesterol levels, and adds protection against blood clots.

4. Lastly, chocolate seems to make people feel better. For athletes, this may come in the form of improved recovery times after periods of exertion and for women this may come in the form of an improved sexual experience (chocolate does seem to be an aphrodesiac in its own right).


According to the results of a german study, there may be something to this. The study found that drinking black tea had a significant effect on artery dilation. The ability of arteries to dilate, or expand, is important to the maintenance of normal blood pressure levels.

How can the consumption of black tea protect against high blood pressure? The researchers found that molecular substances in black tea known as catechins help to expand arteries by producing nitric oxide.

Interestingly enough, many british tea drinkers may be unknowingly giving up the heart health benefits of tea. How is this the case? The german study group found that adding milk to tea, the habit of most british tea drinkers, introduces caseins (caseins are proteins found in milk) that block the ability of catechins to dilate blood vessels.


True friendship is a life time achievement, and a friend is the path through
whom huge sentimental, spiritual and even material blessings gush. Interacting
ly with family and friends is a super pressure reducer. Instead of our minds
working ultimately on troublesome harms, it is occupied with thoughts of other
gs and other people. Warm friendship is like fine fitness; value it while you
have it. A person like you is the opening point and it should be rather easy to
. People have a fundamental need to be liked themselves, and by showing your
admiration of them, they will return your feelings. Admire given out honestly is
immense act of friendship.

Be kind, soft, calm, and a good listener. Attempt to seek the positive elements
not the terrible qualities in people. It is sad that so many either reject God's
friendship or take it for granted. That may be one clarification as to why we
do not know how to be friends to each other. Our friends fill our lives with
When our friends hurt, we're there to soothe. We desire to know the lot about
our friends and find out in life that we really need them. Friends are people we
commit to; without true friendship life feels very lonely and incomplete.